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Geschrieben von Jeannette am 19.07.2005 um 19:39:

  world's ending

When angels fall down to earth,
I will speak my last word.
When the cars can fly so high,
I will drive forever to the sky.
When the sun goes down at night,
I will never stay here, right?
When the darkness eats our earth,
nobody has ever again a birth.

When snow comes in summer,
and elephants will eat drummers,
then the world's life goes away.
It will go his lonely way.
Without terrorism and war.
The world will go away, too far
for people who want her back.

Millions of years later,
it lives a famous writer,
who tells the story,
about this world, don't worry!
It's the true,
but not only for you.

Oh my god! It was only a dream.
It was horrible, how scream.
But it would an experience,
for these humans, with no sense.

For these fighters, how Bush,
or men with also a crash
in her own brain.
Which don't know what to make
with their time,
as other people break,
take them their life,
their children and their wives.

When angels fall down to earth,
I will speak my last word.
When the cars can fly so high,
I will drive forever to the sky.
When the sun goes down at night,
I will never stay here, right?
When the darkness eats our earth,
nobody has ever again a birth.

I hope the humans will see,
that terrorism isn't important for to be,
that these bombs and wars will stop,
and never again days will be,
how the 11th September
or the London-Attack!!

(Konstruktive) Feedbacks erwünscht!!! ;-)
lg Jeannette

Geschrieben von Vally am 20.07.2005 um 14:49:

  RE: world's ending

Hübsch, hübsch. Nur ein paar Fehlerlein gefunden. Augenzwinkern

Original von Jeannette
For these fighters, how [like] Bush,
or men with also a crash

how [like] the 11th September
or the London-Attack!!

Ist ja auch nicht schlimm. Jeder macht mal fehler. *g*

Lg, Vally

P.S.: Weiter so! ich mag englische Poesie, aber nur so, das ich sie noch verstehe! großes Grinsen

Geschrieben von Jeannette am 20.07.2005 um 16:31:


danke für deinen Komment! fröhlich

hmm... wenn ich 'like' drinne hatte, hat mein Programm es mir immer als falsch markiert und 'how' vorgeschlagen...
'like' heisst ja auch mögen... nicht?

lg jeannette

Geschrieben von Chiara am 22.07.2005 um 21:14:


Könnte das jemand noch auf deutsch übersetzten?

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