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Geschrieben von ell_aa am 15.09.2009 um 21:39:

  A few questions.. :)

Hello everybody! smile I've written here before but that was a pretty long time ago. I have som questions about your sim stables but I don't know if this is the right board to post it on but I hope to get some answers anyway. smile

How does your sim stables work? Do you have member stables and private stables? And how does your private stables work if they even exist? Do you compete, sell/buy/lease horses from other stables, and other stuff you can do together.

I'm building a stable right now, on english just because I want to be able to do "business" with others than swedish people.

Hope to get some answers! I really like this site even though I don't understand german at all. Google Translate is the shit! Haha.


Geschrieben von ell_aa am 16.09.2009 um 22:59:


thanks for your answers!

hope you can answer some more questions .. haha. smile

Why don't you have boards there you can compete and sell horses? or have auctions? it would be real fun cause this is such a large site, I think it would be appreciated smile but i know many swedish people would come here if competing/sell/buy/lease/auction/showing boards existed. smile

/ Ella

Geschrieben von ell_aa am 17.09.2009 um 10:15:


hehe i use google translate so i can read almost everything on swedish but i like to translate it to english because it have more words in english then swedish there. smile

thank you very much! smile or how do you say it? danke? Augenzwinkern haha großes Grinsen

Geschrieben von ell_aa am 17.09.2009 um 11:23:


großes Grinsen do you have msn? like to talk to someone from germany there. smile you seem like a nice person großes Grinsen

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