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Geschrieben von Ales am 03.08.2009 um 11:07:

  Songtext Broken Mirror

Broken Mirror

Broken Mirror on the wall
What did you do with my past?
Broken pieces on the floor
See everything returns
Wanna kill me
Till I stop to breathe

Walking along the main street
Is this my way of life?
Trying to return
See all the houses on the street
With the wonderful front garden
What have I done?
That everything ends so?

Please let it be a dream
Please let it wake me up
But it seems so real
Where is my freedom?
It feels like to be in a prison
A prison for my heart
That never let me out!

Broken Mirror on the wall
What did you do with my past?
Broken pieces on the floor
See everything returns
Wanna kill me
Till I stop to breathe

I hate my past
Every cut, you make me
Every tear I cryed because of you
Every night, I can’t sleep
Everything is because of you
You had kill me with your words
My revenge is killing you

What is life?
Only a thing, which you have?
I safe my life
Please take it back
You broken my soul
With every word, you say
Now it’s my time

Broken Mirror on the wall
What did you do with my past?
Broken pieces on the floor
See everything returns
Wanna kill me
Till I stop to breathe

How often did we have up and downs?
And we survived every one!
Let us forget everything of our past
But something you can’t forget
And one thing is that
What you do with me
You silly boy

This is the bill for everything you do
See you the broken mirror?
It was my soul
Now all the broken pieces lay on the floor
And you laugh about it
But be careful
Perhaps it’s your soul, which lies on the floor

Er ist jetzt nur einwenig von einer freundin verbessert, weil sie sich auch nicht sicher war. Da ich jetzt auch ferien habe, kann ich es auch leider keinen Lehrer geben.
Aber ich hoffe, ihr mögt ihn trotzdem.


Forensoftware: Burning Board, entwickelt von WoltLab GmbH